About Digital Media Alchemy


What We Do

  • Number one is current client support for sites, blogs, servers and marketing campaigns.
  • Number two is optimizing new clients existing sites that don't work and need to. So many companies get a site they like the look or functionality of but can't seem to get anywhere at all in the search engines. Nobody ever told them (or you) that full proper optimization techniques needed to be followed before any design work was ever done.
    We fix 'em up with little or no design changes when possible. Opening or 'flash' pages go away and proper keyword/market research gets done. Content gets changed as needed/wanted. We validate through the W3C when possible and do our best to fix as much as clients can afford or need. We know what will hurt you on the web and what won't, and tell you the truth about it.
  • Next are blog template and web design, marketing strategies and internet marketing consulting work for new or occasional clients.
  • Last but not least are all the small projects, consulting, sales calls, middle of the night server support nightmares and the occasional hack to deal with. We constantly offer help and advice and hope to help all our clients get rich so they can use our services more and pay us a bunch more - and - we want everyone to enjoy their experience while working for, or with, all of us at Digital Media Alchemy.

We base all of our business on being straight forward and 100% honest. We can not, in good faith, and without the fear of our grandmothers rolling over in their graves, take your money if you don't think we should, or don't know why. If that's alright, maybe we can do something for you.


What We Don't Do

Anything not legal, don't even ask. Heavy 'Grey Hat', no thanks. X stuff/hatred/anger? Never. Other than that, we're pretty open to using all proper techniques that promote real sites that have real services, products or information to offer.

We see a scam a mile away so go elsewhere for that kind of site. We do not discriminate and strive to be perfectly law abiding. Make sure you know the search engine terms of service because we do and they don't always find you, but they can be ruthless if they are so inclined. We will not knowingly violate their terms, as we have a business we want to keep. You should really hear that if you want to use our services.

Online Marketing Services

    Online Marketing
  • Content
  • Social Media Management
  • Site / ServerSupport
  • Consulting, Training, Coaching

Design Services

Analysis and Optimization Services

  • WordPress Design
  • Static Site Design
  • RE IDX
  • Forms
  • Auto Responders
  • e-Commerce
  • Shopping Carts